Beauty Times 3: 07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007

Monday, July 30, 2007

Kiss, 6, Help

1. Jeremy and I were really busy today, so cuddle time was the first time we were able to unwind...and kiss. I did kiss him hello, but that was just a hello peck. There is nothing like finishing your day with a kiss from your one and only.

2. I am baking cookies to take with us on our trip to my grandmas cabin. I made dough today for 6 dozen cookies. There is so much's crazy!!

3. There was a WHOLE lot of helping out going around my whole family today. From me helping my mom, to my dad helping me, to my dad and brother helping both me and my mom. I truly love my family, they are amazing people!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Famous, Rocket, News

1. My parents went to a wedding earlier this summer in Phoenix at the Arizona Biltmore. The groom is the son of the owner of the company my dads works for, so my parents were invited. It so happened this wedding was being filmed by the show Platinum Weddings. My parents had a great time and it was so fun to watch the episode tonight that showed the wedding they went to. Although it was a brief shot of both of them as "extras", it's fun to know my parents are now famous.

2. Johnny Rockets was our brunch location of choice today since we went to see the movie 'No Reservations'. I don't care who you are, you always get a great feeling with the atmosphere of that restaurant.

3. As news is spreading at the church about the engagement of Jeremy and me, it's so great to have people continue to congratulate us and share in our joy.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Wed, Wrench, Harley

1. Today Jeremy and I went to see the movie 'Licensed to Wed'. I think it is one of the funniest movies I have seen in a long time. If you haven't seen it, I would highly recommend it!

2. There was a bit of a wrench thrown in our plans tonight, but it was very much welcomed. Friends of our family, actually my Dr. and his wife, wanted to go out on a date just the two of them. This meant they needed someone to watch their two wonderful kiddos. When Kelly called Jeremy and I, we were happy to help and it was a lot of fun!!

3. Brad and Kelly have the cutest dog, Harley. When we were at their house tonight, Jeremy and I had so much fun watching Harley and her habits. And I think Harley has inspired us to get a lab when we get married and have our own house.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Understanding, Phew, Rest

1. To truly understand people, we need to know where they are coming from. When this happens everyone can be happy.

2. Jeremy and I watched an awful movie tonight, 'The Good Shepherd'. All I can say is I was SOOOOO glad when it was over!

3. Today I took a 5 hour nap. Call it stress, call it lack of sleep, call it being lazy. Either way, I feel so refreshed now!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Fiance, Progress, Sneeze

1. I have the most amazing fiance. He notices my day is not turning out as I had hoped and takes off work early to come be with me. I don't know what I would do without him and I am so happy to be his soon-to-be-wife!!

2. I have made progress on the wedding plans. I have gathered price lists for rentals and caterers and set up appointments for food tasting and menu planning. Things are really starting to come together and it's so fun and exciting to do!!

3. Isn't it amazing how a good big sneeze can be so cleansing and refreshing?? I love to sneeze and I do it loud and strong!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Creek, Family, Patio

1. Have I ever said how much I love Dawson's Creek? Well I do!! Today I was watching season 3 on DVD, there is nothing like it!!

2. My family is amazing!! I am so thankful to have parents who will take the day off to look at reception places with me and my fiance. The wedding planning means so much more with their involvement (after all, they are paying).

3. Patios are the greatest invention. There is nothing like sitting out on a quiet evening, in the stillness of the patio, talking about your day!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Thunder, Over, Organized

1. Today there was a bit of an afternoon thunderstorm. I just love the summers when the clouds roll in in the afternoon!

2. It's a great feeling when an event is over that you weren't looking forward to. It was good to make an appearance, but I'm glad that's over!!

3. I have been getting more and more organized for planning the wedding. It has been great and I feel like I'm making real progress.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Cute, Back, Again

1. When you just wash your hair and go a la natural 'curly' it's great to hear that the way you fixed it up is cute!! Sure beats the 45 minutes it usually takes me to get ready!

2. I have been without my engagement ring for a week. I took it to get sized and then to get some things worked on on it. I got it back last night and it sure is good to be clothed again!

3. So, Jeremy and I started at the gym again...for the what time is this now?? Anyways, it was good to be back, AGAIN!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Excitement, Barn, Help

1. It is great to hear of the excitement, especially of Jeremy's friends, when they hear we are engaged. This is really encouraging, and makes me feel great because they feel I am the right one for their best friend.

2. Today I found a barn. It is perfect, we just pray it is big enough. Please, God, make it grow!!!

3. Planning can be very overwhelming. Today I went to Barnes and Noble and picked up a great book to help with cutting costs. I'm so excited to read it!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

GG, Down, Friendly

1. Today I was home with a bad headache. I don't know about you, but when I have a headache all I want to do is lay around and listen to the TV. Well, today the cable went out and I had to put on a DVD. I put in the first season of the Gilmore Girls. I now remember why I fell in love with that show.

2. It must have been the days for internet going down because mine did with the cable and then in the afternoon Jeremy's internet went down. This would be an upsetting thing usually cause we couldn't talk on IM, but I was happy because it caused him to leave work early and come see me!

3. Tonight we went to get ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery. The guy that helped us was so friendly and helpful, I think he was the best ice cream man I have had. Great service really makes an experience that much better!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I'm still alive

I just wanted to let you all know I am sill alive. Jeremy and I went to Illinois for the week to visit with my future in-laws. Yes, you read that right...future in-laws. Jeremy and I got engaged over the 4th of July, actually the 3rd. I have been dying to tell everyone who reads this, but we had to wait until we told all the 'important' people (or at least attempted) so those we love didn't find out over the internet. Because, you know, you can't always believe what you read over the internet, but in this case you can. We haven't set a date yet but it will be next spring or summer. I will keep everyone posted as we have more information. Until blogging will start back again tomorrow. I have so much to share, I can't wait!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Freedom, Fireworks, Giddy

1. I love the 4th of July because it reminds me to be thankful for the freedom I have here in this great nation under God!

2. Fireworks are so amazing. I just love watching the colors and shapes and wondering, "how did they get it to do that??"

3. The giddy's still there!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Jeremy, Giddy, Recreating

1. Everything Jeremy does and is makes me SO happy.

2. Because of leaps, I have had a giddy smile on my face. It just doesn't go away.

3. Today is a year since my wonderful Jeremy and I have been together. Tonight we recreated the day when it all came together by going to the Isotopes baseball game. What a WONDERFUL day!!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Secret, Cookies, Official

1. I am not one for secrets. It really bugs me and I always want to know them. Today I was running around town working on a secret project for Jeremy. Secrets are fun!

2. I haven't had time, between school and work, to do what I love...BAKE. Today I was able to. I made some chocolate chip cookies. The dough is chilling in the fridge, I sure hope they're good and I haven't lost my touch.

3. Today was my first official day off work and at home. I can tell you one thing, since I quit I have been so happy. It's amazing what getting out of a stressful environment will do to you.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Down, Home, Waiting

1. I finished another book. A Thousand Splendid Suns was the great second book from an author that is becoming a favorite, Khaled Hosseini.

2. As much fun as it is to go on vacation, when it's time to come home, it's time to come home. And, boy, is it good to be home!

3. When Mom and I got home tonight we had a home cooked meal waiting for us, made by our resident chief, my brother. It was so good since I was so hungry.